Education and Training
The quick advances in AI and Robotics, the rise of life expectancy, and the delay of retirement are currently widening the gap between the skills of the workforce and the needs of different countries. Businesses aspire for a labor force able to permanently update their abilities and remain competitive. Upskilling allows employees to retain their jobs and earn higher wages. Therefore, both firms and workers have the incentive to invest in training and education. Since skill mismatch diverges across regions, states, and countries and is constantly evolving, we work with public and private actors to develop local solutions based on the specific needs.

Fostering Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Entrepreneurship has become a core component of value creation in cities and countries around the world. We help leaders design an ecosystem composed of a range of stakeholders and policy measures to promote favorable culture, attract highly qualified human capital, open markets, and generate financial, institutional and business support.

Tailor-Made Training for Specific Roles and Levels
Demand for skills training is increasing beyond that which governments can provide. We help governments partner with the private sector to offer both soft skills and technical skills, off-the-job, as well as on-the-job training and skills required in the informal labor market.

Generalized School Voucher System
Despite the availability of free public alternative, many parents prefer to place their children in private schools. We help governments give the same opportunity to every person by designing a voucher system that applies equally to private and public schools.